
How To Keep Your Cat Flea-Free During His Stay At The Cattery

If you are going away on holiday and your cat is going to be spending the time in a cattery, it's important that you make sure your pet is free of fleas before you board him. Fleas are notoriously easy to transmit between pets, and you won't be popular with the cattery if your kitty arrives with a load of unwanted passengers. Here's how to make sure that your cat is flea-free before you take him to the boarding cattery.

Understanding Cataracts In Dogs

Cataracts occur when the protein in the lenses of the eyes begins to break down and cluster together. This causes the lenses to become opaque and prevents light from entering your dog's eyes, so they'll experience a degree of vision loss that corresponds with the degree of opaqueness. As a degenerative eye condition, cataracts often develop gradually, but the condition can also appear suddenly. Symptoms associated with cataracts include clumsiness, decreased interest in play and loss of confidence.

Your Dog's Toenails Can Become Ingrown - Watch Out for These Risk Factors and Symptoms

Everyone knows that humans can develop ingrown toenails if they fail to keep those toenails nicely trimmed. However, not many people are aware of the fact that dogs can also get ingrown toenails. Their nails grow in a natural curve, so they can start to dig into the pads if allowed to grow unchecked. When this occurs, the pad can become perforated, something that can easily lead to infection given the fact that dogs, unlike humans, rarely wear any type of shoe to separate their paws from the ground below.

Urinary Incontinence In Dogs

When a previously house-trained dog suddenly begins to lose control of his bladder, it can be distressing for both owner and pet.  But why does urinary incontinence occur and how can a visit to your veterinarian help?  Read on to find out more. What causes canine urinary incontinence? Urinary incontinince in dogs can vary in severity from an inadvertent small leak or a few drips, to a full-scale voiding of the bladder.

Sweet News: Five Tings You Need to Know about Honey Bee Removal and Infestation

At times, honeybees break away from their hives, and a swarm of them go to establish a new colony. Unfortunately, if the swarm decide to set up camp in your home, it can be problematic. Here's what you need to know: 1. Spotting the Bees Moving in Swarms can contain thousands of honeybees, and a swarm may fly over your garden or your home and not settle there. They may even rest of your wall for a while.

A Newbies Guide To Choosing A Cattery

If you're thinking of boarding your cat in a cattery for the first time you're probably anxious about it and wondering what to be on the lookout for when visiting a cattery. It's true there are many poor boarding facilities out there, but with some careful planning and attention to detail you can enjoy your trip knowing your cat is safe. Cattery Basics You should visit any potential cattery at least once before boarding your cat, and any good cattery will be happy to show you around.

Situations When You Should Take Your Cat To A Boarding Facility

Cat boarding facilities are institutions designed and run to offer a pampered experience to your feline pets. Simply put, these facilities are heaven on earth for your cat(s). They provide a spacious room for your cat, equipped with comfy pillows, TVs, play toys, round the clock human supervision and plenty of rest. If you've never granted your cat the pleasure of being in a boarding facility, here are scenarios that offer you the perfect opportunity.

Finding First Aid for Your Feathered Friend

While the most important things for an injured bird is care from a vet clinic, sometimes feathered friends get laid low when the clinic is not open and we need to keep them going until they can reach the vet clinic or animal hospital. Here are some ways to know if your bird needs medical attention, so you can help you bird heal and recover. If your bird is not eating

How to help a dog suffering from separation anxiety

Separation anxiety is the response some dogs have to being apart from their owner. A number of things can bring on this state of panic including a change in routine, suddenly being left alone after spending long periods of time with their owner, a traumatic event such as abuse or time spent in a shelter, or even just time spent in a boarding kennel. The kindest thing is to put in the time and effort with your dog to help them become more independent so that they can happily be left for longer periods of time or with other people.