Sweet News: Five Tings You Need to Know about Honey Bee Removal and Infestation

At times, honeybees break away from their hives, and a swarm of them go to establish a new colony. Unfortunately, if the swarm decide to set up camp in your home, it can be problematic. Here's what you need to know: 1. Spotting the Bees Moving in Swarms can contain thousands of honeybees, and a swarm may fly over your garden or your home and not settle there. They may even rest of your wall for a while.

A Newbies Guide To Choosing A Cattery

If you're thinking of boarding your cat in a cattery for the first time you're probably anxious about it and wondering what to be on the lookout for when visiting a cattery. It's true there are many poor boarding facilities out there, but with some careful planning and attention to detail you can enjoy your trip knowing your cat is safe. Cattery Basics You should visit any potential cattery at least once before boarding your cat, and any good cattery will be happy to show you around.

Situations When You Should Take Your Cat To A Boarding Facility

Cat boarding facilities are institutions designed and run to offer a pampered experience to your feline pets. Simply put, these facilities are heaven on earth for your cat(s). They provide a spacious room for your cat, equipped with comfy pillows, TVs, play toys, round the clock human supervision and plenty of rest. If you've never granted your cat the pleasure of being in a boarding facility, here are scenarios that offer you the perfect opportunity.